Meet Rachel

chief chaos coordinator

Hi! So great to meet you here. I am one of those unique individuals that loves to make order out of chaos. And not only do I love it, but I accomplish order in a very graceful, calm, yet powerful and complete way.

Whether you're a coach, a small business owner, a health professional with a private practice, or really anything in between, if you're feeling like your growth is stunted because you don't have the right tools in your hand, I'm here to help you!

I look forward to meeting you to see how I can simplify your life and watch your business scale.

My motto: an orderly (mind, workspace, digital presence, workflow) means scaleable growth. Scaleable growth means impacting the lives of others!

Let me help you go from small business to making a powerful impact on the masses (but keeping you from being too busy).

I have 14 years of experience running businesses. My experience has grown from going out and successfully doing the thing!

As a mom, sole provider, and leader of my home, I've mastered learning a lot of new skills and turning them into skillsets that help others succeed.

I do the little things really well and I do the big things really well too! (as one of my clients said)

Excellence is the name of my game!

My Expertise includes:

(but are not limited to)

  • Business Systems Efficiency

    Audit & Improvement

  • Complete Digital Business Builder

    Customer Facing Sites and Back End Systems

  • Business Consultant & Strategist

  • Event Coordinator (In-person or Online)

  • Tech Troubleshooting

Why 'Jubilee Marketing House' ?

Jubilee Marketing House came into existence based on the following scripture:

Leviticus Chapter 27 - Theme: Redeeming what is the Lord's

Psalms 26:8 - Lord, I love the house where you live,

the place where your glory dwells.

This business became official in the 7th year of me working independently (7 is the year of Jubilee). Thus I believe that everything I do now has been redeemed by the Lord, for my good and for His glory. And I do love the Lord and the place where his glory dwells.

I also love connecting the spiritual meaning of the name given to me, to the business itself. I am a marketing house because within my proverbial 4 walls, I create structure that creates a solid foundation for your business. I can give you a beautiful, automated, fully functional online presence. I can support you with systems to make your business run efficiently and most effectively, so you can reach your desired goals. And I can coordinate and run events from start to finish, if you desire to run to teach/train/coach your clients, to gain new clients, or to combine the two. Lastly, I can be your in-house tech support when your business is built on my software platform. And this creates Jubilee (joy) in me to do these things for you!

Jubilee Marketing House Services

digital presence

  • Graphic Design

  • Websites

  • Sales Funnels

  • Email System

  • CRM

  • Online Courses

  • Evergreen Webinar

  • Social Media DM/Comment Response

My platform can bring your brand to life online, with everything you need all under one roof. And I will build it all for you!

Plus! I am your own in-house tech support to assist with any troubleshooting, editing, adding on as you're in business.

Systems efficiency


  • Run an in-depth system diagnostic

  • Develop automated systems

  • Train team members on how to run new systems

  • Improve workflow & team communication

  • Bring Unity to your team

Allow me to do a complete audit on your business.

Are you a newer business having trouble scaling with current systems and team members (or lack of)?

I'll come in and learn your business, review your current workflow, and develop systems to automate the process, bring team cohesion, with the result being a business that can handle the scale you are desiring!

event coordinator

  • This could be a really long list ... but it would entail everything you need to run a successful event!

Want to put on an event (conference, seminar, workshop, conference/sales event, retreat, mastermind, etc) but don't have the knowledge, time or team to pull it off?

Vendors, sponsors, meals, venues, timelines, down to graphics, handouts, videographer, keynote speakers, gifts, marketing materials, etc!

Let me step in and create the event you're imagining!

What Others Have to Say About Working with Me:

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